The George Herrmann Playbill Collection

In 2018, the Pacific University Department of Theatre & Dance received more than two thousand playbills and programs that had been collected by George and Diane Herrmann over a lifetime of theatre-going. Dating from the 1960s through the early 2000s, this collection reflects theatrical activity in the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States during this time. The purpose of this website is to preserve these artifacts and share them with audiences around the world.

Pacific University

Located in Forest Grove, Oregon, Pacific University is a caring, inclusive community. Our mission is to inspire students to think, care, create, and pursue justice in the world.

Behind the Archives

Curator: Professor Ellen Margolis

Website Creation: Emily Smith, Pacific University Class of 2022

Documentation: Jody Pollak

The development of this website was supported by a generous grant from the Elise Elliott Undergraduate Experience Enrichment Fund.